Soil Climate Research Station Data - Antarctica
Nine long-term soil-climate stations in Antarctica were set up to study the effects of latitude, elevation, and soil age. Stations monitor soil temperature, soil water content, air temperature,... -
Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station climatology data, 1957-present (ongoing).
This dataset contains the local climatological data (LCD) files for Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. These files are available for the period of record of January 1957 until present. The... -
Reconstruction of Antarctic Near-Surface Air Temperatures at Monthly Intervals Since 1958 (ongoing)
The 2-m air temperature anomalies at monthly intervals for 1958-2022 over Antarctica at 60 km grid spacing are reconstructed based on the methodology of Nicolas and Bromwich (2014; doi:... -
Amundsen-Scott South Pole (NZSP) Campbell-Stokes Sunshine Recorder Cards, 2023
Sunshine cards serve as a physical measure of the sun’s position and strength for a given time and location on Earth. Sunshine cards from South Pole are created with two Campbell-Stokes recorders.... -
The Surface Climatology of the Ross Ice Shelf Antarctica: Automatic Weather Station observational data, 1981 - 2013.
These are the 3-hourly Automatic Weather Station observational files used for Costanza et al. 2016, "The Surface Climatology of the Ross Ice Shelf Antarctica." The full citation for the published... -
Polar Atmospheric River (AR) Scale Forecast Products over Antarctica
A team of researchers led by Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego has created a scale to characterize the strength and impacts of “atmospheric rivers”... -
Meteorological observations and condensation nuclei measurements at the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica Research Station during three austral summers
For three austral summer seasons (2013-2016, each from December to February) aerosol particles arriving at the Belgian Antarctic research station Princess Elisabeth (PE), in Dronning Maud Land in... -
High frequency measurements from Taylor Glacier Meteorological Station (TARM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1994-2021, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This data... -
High frequency measurements from Mount Fleming Meteorological Station (FLMM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (2011-2021, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This data... -
High frequency measurements from Miers Valley Meteorological Station (MISM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (2012-2022, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This data... -
High frequency measurements from Lake Vida Meteorological Station (VIAM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1995-2022, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This data... -
High frequency measurements from Lake Vanda Meteorological Station (VAAM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1994-2022, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This package... -
High frequency measurements from Lake Hoare Meteorological Station (HOEM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1987-2021, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This data... -
High frequency measurements from Lake Fryxell Meteorological Station (FRLM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1993-2021, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This data... -
High frequency measurements from Lake Brownworth Meteorological Station (BRHM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1994-2022, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This data... -
High frequency measurements from Lake Bonney Meteorological Station (BOYM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1993-2021, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This package... -
High frequency measurements from Howard Glacier Meteorological Station (HODM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1993-2022, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This package... -
High frequency measurements from Friis Hills Meteorological Station (FRSM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (2010-2021, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This data... -
High frequency measurements from Explorers Cove Meteorological Station (EXEM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1995-2021, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This package... -
High frequency measurements from Commonwealth Glacier Meteorological Station (COHM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1993-2021, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This package... -
High frequency measurements from Canada Glacier Meteorological Station (CAAM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1994-2021, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This package... -
Glacier melt modeling: Wind Speed 1996-2011.
This is the data and metadata for modeled Wind Speed - part of six modeled parameters that comprise the Taylor Valley Glacier Melt modeling. Data contained and described in this document correspond... -
Glacier melt modeling: Wind Direction 1996-2011.
This is the data and metadata for modeled Wind Direction - part of six modeled parameters that comprise the Taylor Valley Glacier Melt modeling. Data contained and described in this document... -
Glacier melt modeling: Short Wave Radiation 1996-2011.
This is the data and metadata for modeled Short Wave Radiation - part of six modeled parameters that comprise the Taylor Valley Glacier Melt modeling. Data contained and described in this document... -
Glacier melt modeling: Relative Humidity 1996-2011.
This is the data and metadata for modeled Relative Humidity - part of six modeled parameters that comprise the Taylor Valley Glacier Melt modeling. Data contained and described in this document... -
Glacier melt modeling: Long Wave Radiation 1996-2011.
This is the data and metadata for modeled Long Wave Radiation - part of six modeled parameters that comprise the Taylor Valley Glacier Melt modeling. Data contained and described in this document... -
Glacier melt modeling: Air Temperature 1996-2011.
This is the data and metadata for modeled Air Temperature - part of six modeled parameters that comprise the Taylor Valley Glacier Melt modeling. Data contained and described in this document... -
CLIVA: CLImatic trends of stratospheric Vortex in Antarctica
The project aims to carry out a climatological analysis of the dynamics and structure of the Antarctic polar stratospheric vortex over the last decade 1993-2003 and its relationship with the 'Ozone... -
Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, 1957-2011 quality-controlled surface observational data.
Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station was established by the United States Navy in the austral summer of 1956–1957. This dataset contains the complete record of meteorological observations from the... -
Hourly snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (2016)
Snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (71°57'S - 23°21'E) in 2016. The snowfall rate is in mm/hour (w.e) dervied from the ZE-SR relation. -
Hourly snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (2018)
Snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (71°57'S - 23°21'E) in 2018. The snowfall rate is in mm/hour (w.e) dervied from the ZE-SR relation. -
Hourly snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (2015)
Snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (71°57'S - 23°21'E) in 2015. The snowfall rate is in mm/hour (w.e) dervied from the ZE-SR relation. -
Hourly snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (2014)
Snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (71°57'S - 23°21'E) in 2014. The snowfall rate is in mm/hour (w.e) dervied from the ZE-SR relation. -
Hourly snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (2013)
Snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (71°57'S - 23°21'E) in 2013. The snowfall rate is in mm/hour (w.e) dervied from the ZE-SR relation. -
Hourly snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (2012)
Snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (71°57'S - 23°21'E) in 2012. The snowfall rate is in mm/hour (w.e) dervied from the ZE-SR relation. -
Hourly snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (2010)
Snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (71°57'S - 23°21'E) in 2010. The snowfall rate is in mm/hour (w.e) dervied from the ZE-SR relation. -
Hourly snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (2011)
Snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (71°57'S - 23°21'E) in 2011. The snowfall rate is in mm/hour (w.e) dervied from the ZE-SR relation.