Soil Climate Research Station Data - Antarctica
Nine long-term soil-climate stations in Antarctica were set up to study the effects of latitude, elevation, and soil age. Stations monitor soil temperature, soil water content, air temperature,... -
GC-Net Level 1 historical automated weather station data (ongoing)
The Greenland Climate Network (GC-Net) is a set of Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) set up and managed by the late Prof. Dr. Konrad (Koni) Steffen on the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS). This first... -
USCGC Icebreaker 'Polar Star' observational data, 2014 - present (ongoing).
The USCGC Polar Star icebreaker observational data is collected in the Pacific & Southern Oceans. All files contain the following parameters: DDHHMMZ MMM YY: Gives the day, hour, minute and... -
Palmer Station Snowstake daily weather observations, 2006-present (ongoing).
From 2006-2016, all Snowstake measurements were made from a single Snowstake located between the Aquariums and the Pump House. A measurement was made once a day. Due to the location near the... -
The SUMup collaborative database: Surface mass balance, subsurface temperature and density measurements from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets (2024 release)
The SUMup database is a compilation of surface mass balance (SMB), subsurface temperature and density measurements from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. This 2024 release contains 7 483 826... -
JARE-AWS dataset: Bias-corrected surface air temperature data (1993-2022)
The bias-corrected monthly mean surface air temperature dataset obtained from the historical observations of the automatic weather stations (AWSs) at Mizuho, Relay Station, and Dome Fuji. Multiple... -
Palmer Station Snowstake observational data, 2016-present (ongoing).
Through 2016, all Snowstake measurements were made from a single Snowstake located between the Aquariums and the Pump House. A measurement was made once a day. Due to the location near the... -
Daily observational data collected by two NSF research vessels in the Antarctic Ocean, 1994-present (ongoing).
These datasets are derived from the daily situation reports of two National Science Foundation-operated research vessels, R/V Laurence M. Gould (1994-present) and R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer... -
The PANDA automatic weather station network between the coast and Dome A, East Antarctica (1989-2021).
Automatic weather stations have been proved to be a powerful tool for monitoring the near surface meteorological elements of glaciers/caps to determine the surface energy budget, so as to quantify... -
SUMO unmanned aerial system (UAS) atmospheric data
Atmospheric boundary layer temperature, humidity, pressure, and wind profile data collected with the Small Unmanned Meteorological Observer (SUMO) unmanned aerial system (UAS) during the NBP1704... -
PIPERS airborne lidar
The PIPERS LiDAR swath data set contains LiDAR measurements taken over the Ross Sea in Antarctica. The PIPERS project flew for two consecutive years during November with the IcePod. A total of... -
Ocean-Ice-Atmosphere Interactions in the Terra Nova Bay Polynya, Antarctica
Antarctic coastal polynas are, at the same time, sea-ice free sites and 'sea-ice factories'. They are open water surface locations where water mass transformation and densification occurs, and... -
Meteorological data obtained by field campaign in Langhovde Glacier during December 2021-February 2022.
Meteorological data obtained by field campaign in Langhovde Glacier during December 2021-February 2022. Research of Ocean-ice BOundary InTeraction and Change around Antarctica (ROBOTICA) :... -
Meteorological data from ice-free areas in Yukidori Zawa, Langhovde and Kizahashi Hama, Skarvsnes, and Skallen on Soya Coast, East Antarctica during January 2017 - December 2018
Meteorological data recorded by automatic weather stations (AWSs) in the Yukidori Zawa (Yukidori Valley), Langhovde, and in Kizahashi Hama, Skarvsnes on the Soya Coast of East Antarctica. -
Meteorological data from ice-free areas on Soya Coast, East Antarctica
Meteorological data recorded by automatic weather stations (AWSs) in the Yukidori Zawa (Yukidori Valley), Langhovde, and in Kizahashi Hama, Skarvsnes on the Soya Coast of East Antarctica. -
MAss LOst in wind fluX (MALOX)
The aim of the MAss LOst in wind fluX (MALOX) project is to better understand the phenomenon of snow transport over a coastal area characterized by strong winds. MALOX relies on a... -
High frequency measurements from Taylor Glacier Meteorological Station (TARM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1994-2021, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This data... -
High frequency measurements from Mount Fleming Meteorological Station (FLMM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (2011-2021, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This data... -
High frequency measurements from Miers Valley Meteorological Station (MISM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (2012-2022, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This data... -
High frequency measurements from Lake Vida Meteorological Station (VIAM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1995-2022, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This data... -
High frequency measurements from Lake Vanda Meteorological Station (VAAM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1994-2022, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This package... -
High frequency measurements from Lake Hoare Meteorological Station (HOEM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1987-2021, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This data... -
High frequency measurements from Lake Fryxell Meteorological Station (FRLM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1993-2021, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This data... -
High frequency measurements from Lake Brownworth Meteorological Station (BRHM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1994-2022, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This data... -
High frequency measurements from Lake Bonney Meteorological Station (BOYM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1993-2021, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This package... -
High frequency measurements from Howard Glacier Meteorological Station (HODM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1993-2022, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This package... -
High frequency measurements from Friis Hills Meteorological Station (FRSM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (2010-2021, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This data... -
High frequency measurements from Explorers Cove Meteorological Station (EXEM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1995-2021, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This package... -
High frequency measurements from Commonwealth Glacier Meteorological Station (COHM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1993-2021, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This package... -
High frequency measurements from Canada Glacier Meteorological Station (CAAM), McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (1994-2021, ongoing)
As part of the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research program, meteorological data are collected from various locations throughout the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. This package... -
H128 Automatic Weather Station (AWS) (NIPR)
To clarify the mass and heat balance, snow depositional condition on ice sheet, AWS was installed at H128. The H128 Automatic Weather Station (AWS) Data Graph provides a variety of real-time data,... -
Automatic Weather Station on Antarctic ice sheet (NIPR)
Many automatic weather stations (AWS) are installed on the Antarctic ice sheet. The Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE) has also established several AWS that conduct continuous... -
Antarctic Climate Data Collected by Australian Agencies, Ver. 1.
This record provides a listing of meteorological data collected in the Australian Antarctic Territory by members of the Australian Antarctic program (and its predecessors) and the Bureau of...