High-resolution regional Met Office Unified Model (UM) climate model hindcast of the Antarctic Peninsula (1998-2017)
This dataset includes a high-resolution gridded model hindcast simulation of the Antarctic Peninsula during the period 1998-2017, produced using the Met Office Unified Model (UM). Variables... -
Daily observational data collected by two NSF research vessels in the Antarctic Ocean, 1994-present (ongoing).
These datasets are derived from the daily situation reports of two National Science Foundation-operated research vessels, R/V Laurence M. Gould (1994-present) and R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer... -
Ocean-Ice-Atmosphere Interactions in the Terra Nova Bay Polynya, Antarctica
Antarctic coastal polynas are, at the same time, sea-ice free sites and 'sea-ice factories'. They are open water surface locations where water mass transformation and densification occurs, and... -
Chemistry of the Antarctic Boundary Layer and the Interface with Snow (CHABLIS): Meteorological and Atmospheric Chemistry Field Measurements
Chemistry of the Antarctic Boundary Layer and the Interface with Snow (CHABLIS) is a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and Antarctic Funding Initiative (AFI) funded project, aimed at... -
Antarctic Climate Data Collected by Australian Agencies, Ver. 1.
This record provides a listing of meteorological data collected in the Australian Antarctic Territory by members of the Australian Antarctic program (and its predecessors) and the Bureau of...