Vertical profiles of Doppler spectra of hydrometeors from a Micro Rain Radar recorded during the austral summer of 2016/2017 in the Southern Ocean on the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE)
Dataset abstract This dataset includes vertical profiles of the Doppler spectra and derived quantities of hydrometeors using a Micro Rain Radar (MRR-2) during the Antarctic Circumnavigation... -
Quality-checked meteorological data from the Southern Ocean collected during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition from December 2016 to April 2017.
Dataset abstract This dataset contains quality-checked meteorological observations of air temperature, relative humidity, dew point, barometric pressure and observations of downwelling solar... -
Atmospheric profiling data collected from radiosondes in the Southern Ocean in the austral summer of 2016/2017 during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition
Dataset abstract The data set consists of the vertical profiles of the atmospheric variables measured using radiosondes (i-Met) during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition from November 2016... -
Hydrometeor particle size distribution data collected using a snow particle counter on board the R/V Akademik Tryoshnikov in the Southern Ocean during the austral summer of 2016/17 as part of the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE)
Dataset abstract The data consist of the hydrometeor particle size distribution for particles with a size range (average diameter) from 36 to 490 μm (with the last bin including all detected... -
List of ongoing Southern Hemisphere observational weather data indices
This list of observation-based Southern Hemisphere data indices was compiled by AMRDC research scientist Linda Keller to provide an overview of ongoing community-approved data providers. This list... -
Reconstructed Byrd temperature record, 1957 - present (ongoing).
IMPORTANT NOTE (2013/09/06): The 1957-1979 portion of this dataset was revised in September 2013 following our discovery of previously unused detailed observations from Byrd Station on the website... -
High-resolution regional Met Office Unified Model (UM) climate model hindcast of the Antarctic Peninsula (1998-2017)
This dataset includes a high-resolution gridded model hindcast simulation of the Antarctic Peninsula during the period 1998-2017, produced using the Met Office Unified Model (UM). Variables... -
GC-Net Level 1 historical automated weather station data (ongoing)
The Greenland Climate Network (GC-Net) is a set of Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) set up and managed by the late Prof. Dr. Konrad (Koni) Steffen on the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS). This first... -
Year of Polar Prediction in the South Hemisphere: Special Observing Period Radiosondes from External Contributors, 2022.
This record contains ASCII text radiosonde launch data files from collaborating Antarctic research stations/vessels as part of the Year of Polar Prediction-Southern Hemisphere Special Observing... -
Year of Polar Prediction in the South Hemisphere: Vernadsky Station observational data, 2022.
These data were measured at Vernadsky Station (Ukraine), Antarctic Peninsula, as part of the Year of Polar Prediction-Southern Hemisphere (YOPP-SH) Targeted Observing Period (TOP). They were... -
Surface meteorology at British Antarctic Survey Stations, 1947-2013
Surface meteorological data collected at the following British Antarctic Survey stations in Antarctica: Adelaide Island (1962-1976); Deception Island (1959-1967); Faraday/Argentine Islands... -
Palmer Station monthly weather reports, 2022-present (ongoing).
Palmer Station is Station 89061 in the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Worldwide Network. Automated surface synoptic observations are made 8 times each day and emailed to the National... -
Palmer Station Snowstake daily weather observations, 2006-present (ongoing).
From 2006-2016, all Snowstake measurements were made from a single Snowstake located between the Aquariums and the Pump House. A measurement was made once a day. Due to the location near the... -
The SUMup collaborative database: Surface mass balance, subsurface temperature and density measurements from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets (2024 release)
The SUMup database is a compilation of surface mass balance (SMB), subsurface temperature and density measurements from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. This 2024 release contains 7 483 826... -
MATM - McMurdo Area Tall Tower GPS/GNSS Observations dataset
GPS/GNSS station: Long-term continuous or semi-continuous occupation at a single location (Active: Still collecting data) -
PROMICE and GC-Net automated weather station data in Greenland
PROMICE and GC-Net automated weather station (AWS) data from Greenland. Data from the Programme for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet (PROMICE) are provided by the Geological Survey of Denmark... -
JARE-AWS dataset: Bias-corrected surface air temperature data (1993-2022)
The bias-corrected monthly mean surface air temperature dataset obtained from the historical observations of the automatic weather stations (AWSs) at Mizuho, Relay Station, and Dome Fuji. Multiple... -
USAP Antarctic Field Camp Observations, 1999-present (ongoing).
The following files are climatology data from years 1998 to present for several field camps around the continent. The data includes temperature (degrees C), visibility (hours), weather situation... -
Palmer Station Snowstake observational data, 2016-present (ongoing).
Through 2016, all Snowstake measurements were made from a single Snowstake located between the Aquariums and the Pump House. A measurement was made once a day. Due to the location near the... -
Antarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center dataset development & stewardship project report, 2022: AntCLIMnow Project, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR)
In 2022, the AMRDC participated in SCAR's AntCLIMnow Project by locating and indexing underutilized Antarctic meteorological datasets to foster collaborative climatological research. This document... -
Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station climatology data, 1957-present (ongoing).
This dataset contains the local climatological data (LCD) files for Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. These files are available for the period of record of January 1957 until present. The... -
Palmer Station Waterwall data, 2016-present (ongoing).
These data should not be used for scientific analyses. The pump system that carries seawater to the waterwall instrument has had multiple intakes at different depths which can cause unexpected... -
Palmer Station Automated Tide Data System, 1993-present (ongoing).
Each data file follows the naming convention YYMMDDTHHMMSS.txt where YY = Year MM = Month DD = Day T = Tide HH = Hour (UTC) MM = Minute SS = Second There are few times over the history of this... -
Palmer Station Automated Weather Data System observational data, 2001-present (ongoing).
This system also referred to as PAWS to differentiate between the previous system “PALMOS” located on Gamage Point. Yearly directories contain monthly subdirectories with files containing daily... -
Palmer Station climatology summary data, 1989-present (ongoing).
For the period 1999 on, summaries were checked for math errors, transcription errors, typos, misread graphs, and coding and data entry inconsistencies. For the period before 1999, a much more... -
Palmer Station CLIMAT surface observational data, 2007-present (ongoing).
Each yearly directory contains monthly CLIMAT messages in ASCII text format. Wind speeds and gusts had to be corrected between 2/28/2019 17:56 UTC - 11/20/2019 16:17 UTC due to the wrong propeller... -
Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere: WRF forecast model GRIB file output from AMPS, 2022.
This contains Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS) Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) grib file forecast model output for the 00 UTC and 12 UTC model runs for select days from May... -
YOPP Project: Antarctic Meteoclimatic Observatory - Radiosonde in MZS and Concordia
In the frame of YOPP WMO Project, during the Special Observing Period lasting from 16th November 2018 to 15th February 2019, in Concordia and Mario Zucchelli stations daily soundings were executed... -
Year of Polar Prediction in the South Hemisphere: Special Observing Period Radiosondes, 2018-2019.
This directory contains ASCII text radiosonde launch data files from participating Antarctic research stations/vessels as part of the Year of Polar Prediction-Southern Hemisphere Special Observing... -
Year of Polar Prediction in the South Hemisphere: AEMET-γSREPS model output, 2022.
The data contained here are from the Agencia Estatal de Meteorologia (AEMET) and are part of the Year of Polar Prediction-Southern Hemisphere (YOPP-SH) Targeted Observing Period (TOP), with data... -
Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere: WRF forecast model plain text output from AMPS, 2022.
This dataset has no description
Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere: WRF forecast model netCDF output from AMPS, 2022.
This contains all WRF forecast model netCDF output from the Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS) for the 00 UTC and 12 UTC model runs for the months of April through August 2022. Domains:... -
UV RADIOMETER MZS - UV radiometer with filters for the measurement of direct and diffuse solar irradiance and of the biologically effective one at Mario Zucchelli
The project is focused on the acquisition of data using the MZS_FRAD2008-02 interference filter radiometer, installed in November 2009 at Mario Zucchelli station, on the roof of the building OASI... -
The PANDA automatic weather station network between the coast and Dome A, East Antarctica (1989-2021).
Automatic weather stations have been proved to be a powerful tool for monitoring the near surface meteorological elements of glaciers/caps to determine the surface energy budget, so as to quantify... -
Surface meteorological data from Dismal Island off the Antarctic Peninsula from 2001-2003.
Surface meteorological data from Dismal Island off the Antarctic Peninsula from the Autonomous Weather station from 2001-2003 (SOGLOBEC project). Sample Rate: 1 hr. Processing by Beardsley group:... -
Surface-Atmosphere Mass and Energy Exchanges at a Coastal Antarctic site
Improve understanding of the surface-atmosphere mass andenergy exchanges in coastal Antarctic thanks continuous measurement of a large set of parameters and development of multiscale modelling.... -
SUMO unmanned aerial system (UAS) atmospheric data
Atmospheric boundary layer temperature, humidity, pressure, and wind profile data collected with the Small Unmanned Meteorological Observer (SUMO) unmanned aerial system (UAS) during the NBP1704... -
Skomik PCWS unmodified ten-minute observational data, 2022 - present (ongoing).
These files contain instantaneous observations at ten-minute intervals, with either six or eight columns. The data have been taken directly from the originally transmitted hexadecimal data with... -
Sarah PCWS unmodified ten-minute observational data, 2020 - present (ongoing).
These files contain instantaneous observations at ten-minute intervals, with either six or eight columns. The data have been taken directly from the originally transmitted hexadecimal data with... -
The Surface Climatology of the Ross Ice Shelf Antarctica: Automatic Weather Station observational data, 1981 - 2013.
These are the 3-hourly Automatic Weather Station observational files used for Costanza et al. 2016, "The Surface Climatology of the Ross Ice Shelf Antarctica." The full citation for the published...