Glacier melt modeling: Long Wave Radiation 1996-2011.
This is the data and metadata for modeled Long Wave Radiation - part of six modeled parameters that comprise the Taylor Valley Glacier Melt modeling. Data contained and described in this document... -
Glacier melt modeling: Air Temperature 1996-2011.
This is the data and metadata for modeled Air Temperature - part of six modeled parameters that comprise the Taylor Valley Glacier Melt modeling. Data contained and described in this document... -
APP (YOPP) - Antarctic precipitation properties from ground-based instruments
Characterization of effective precipitation that occurs at ground of Antarctica region, plays a crucial rules in defining and validating global climate models and numerical weather prediction... -
Year of Polar Prediction in the South Hemisphere: Targeted Observing Period Antarctic Forecast Discussion, 2022.
The following PDFs contain a forecast product created in support of the Year of Polar Prediction – Southern Hemisphere (YOPP-SH) Targeted Observing Period (TOP). The forecasts were produced by Art...