Antarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center
Repository Scope
The AMRDC Repository provides archival, preservation, access, and metadata authoring services for Antarctic meteorological data, managing data from submission to end-user retrieval. The repository hosts data collected by the Antarctic Meteorological Research Center and Automatic Weather Systems projects, as well as campaign meteorological datasets deposited by other Antarctic investigators. The repository hosts a multitude of data types and forms, including raw oberservational data, imagery, and processed datasets.
To learn more about the repository and its features, please consult our User Guide.
The repository accepts datasets from accredited organizations and researchers engaged in research related to Antarctic meteorology and climatology. Data within the AMRDC Repository is made accessible to the larger Antarcitc research community with metadata and publishing information for open-access use.
If you are interested in depositing your work with us, please review our Deposit Policies and then reach out to us via the contact information below.
Dataset References and Citations
Authors should reference AMRDC Repository datasets directly using the supplied suggestion citation whenever possible. Other citation elements, such as subsets or series, should be used when applicable.
- Antarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center, 2021: Antarctic satellite composite imagery animations. AMRDC Data Repository, accessed DD-MM-YYYY,
- Antarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center: Automatic Weather Station quality-controlled observational data. AMRDC Data Repository. Subset used: [YEAR] - [YEAR], accessed DD-MM-YYYY,
Please visit the American Meteorological Society webpage for more style suggestions and examples.
General Inquiries
Phone: 608-265-0038
Facebook | Twitter | YouTube
AMRDC Staff Page
AMRDC Repository Project Lead
Matthew G. Noojin |
The AMRDC Repository interactive data map is based on data from the SCAR Antarctic Digital Database, accessed January 2022:
- Gerrish, L., Fretwell, P., & Cooper, P. (2021). Medium resolution vector polygons of the Antarctic coastline (7.4) [Data set]. UK Polar Data Centre, Natural Environment Research Council, UK Research & Innovation.
The AMRDC Repository metadata subject headings are derived from the NASA Thesaurus:
- NASA STI Program. (2012). NASA thesaurus [Text]. Retrieved from
The AMRDC Repository Deposit Policies are based on the MINDS@University of Wisconsin deposit policies:
Home page banner photo © 2021 David Mikolajczyk