These files are CLIMAT surface messages, created from a subset of AWS sites from the UW-Madison AWS network. The filenames are named [III]-[YYYY]-[MM].txt, where III is the three-letter code to indicate the station, YYYY is the year, and MM is the month. These files are formatted per the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Handbook on CLIMAT and CLIMAT TEMP Reporting, which can be found here. This dataset began in 2006 and is ongoing (except Pegasus North, which was uninstalled in 2017). The following quality-controlled AWS data are used, with the three-letter code and WMO ID numbers in parentheses: Byrd (byd, 89324), Dome C II (dc2, 89828), Ferrell (fer, 89872), Gill (gil, 89376), Harry (hry, 89329), Lettau (let, 89377), Marble Point (mpt, 89866), Marilyn (mln, 89869), Nico (nic, 89799), Pegasus North (pgn, 89667), Possession Island (pos, 89879), Relay Station (rls, 89744), Siple Dome (sid, 89345), and Whitlock (wtl, 89865).
The data in these files are pared down, with extraneous lines and blocks of data removed. An example for Byrd AWS (WMO ID 89324) for July 2023 is shown below:
CSAA01 KWBC 071643
CLIMAT 07023 89324
111 18023 31296108 412411361 8000000 9313131
333 23131 8170000
444 0111607 1148618 2109252 3153718 5116102 =
Data values are to the tenth decimal place, and the decimal is dropped. If a data value occurs on more than one day, the value listed for day of month of occurrence is 50 greater than the day of first occurrence.
Below is a description of the relevant blocks of data:
Line 1:
1st block: CSAA01 – WMO product header
2nd block: KWBC – Routing station, Washington, DC NOAA Telecommunication Gateway
Line 2:
1st block: CLIMAT
2nd block: [MMYYY of data, with YYY being last three digits of the year]
3rd block: [WMO ID]
Line 3:
1st block: 111
2nd block: 1[monthly mean pressure]
3rd block: 3[0 (positive) or 1 (negative)][monthly mean temperature]
Line 5:
1st block: 444
2nd block: 0[0 (positive) or 1 (negative)][monthly max daily mean temperature][day of month of monthly max daily mean temperature]
3rd block: 1[0 (positive) or 1 (negative)][monthly min daily mean temperature][day of month of monthly min daily mean temperature]
4th block: 2[0 (positive) or 1 (negative)][monthly max temperature][day of month of monthly max temperature]
5th block: 3[0 (positive) or 1 (negative)][monthly min temperature][day of month of monthly min temperature]
6th block: 51[monthly max wind speed][day of monthly max wind speed]