Palmer Station CLIMAT surface observational data, 2007-present (ongoing).

Each yearly directory contains monthly CLIMAT messages in ASCII text format.

Wind speeds and gusts had to be corrected between 2/28/2019 17:56 UTC - 11/20/2019 16:17 UTC due to the wrong propeller being installed on the BASE wind sensor. All files with "_fix" appended to them have been corrected. The correction coefficient that was applied was 0.588.


Additional Information

Author Palmer Station Research Associate
Maintainer Antarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center
Version 2024-07
Last Updated July 9, 2024, 21:00 (UTC)
Created February 17, 2023, 13:48 (UTC)
Categories Observational data
Citation Palmer Station Research Associate (2023). "Palmer Station CLIMAT surface observational data, 2007-present (ongoing)." AMRDC Data Repository, accessed YYYY-MM-DD,
Collection Begin Date 2007-01-01
Collection End Date Ongoing
Format Text
Location 64° 46.453'S 64° 2.842'W
Platform Mesotech Automatic Weather Station (Current)