Palmer Station Waterwall data, 2016-present (ongoing).

The comma separated data is formatted as follows:

  • TimeStamp
  • Flow_Count
  • Flow_Rate
  • Fluor_V,CHL
  • xMiss_V
  • Trans
  • RTP_Temp
  • TSG_Temp
  • TSG_Cond
  • Salinity


  • flow = flow counts (Hz)
  • flow_rate = flow rate (mL/sec)
  • V_fluor = fluorometer voltage (mV)
  • CHL = chlorophyll concentration (µg/L)
  • V_xmiss = transmissometer voltage (mV)
  • Trans = transmission (%)
  • Remote_Temp = seawater intake temperature (°C)
  • TSG_Temp = thermosalinograph temperature (°C)
  • Cond = thermosalinograph conductivity (S/m)
  • Sal = salinity (PSU)


Additional Information

Author Palmer Station Instrument Technician
Maintainer Antarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center
Version 2024-07
Last Updated July 9, 2024, 21:00 (UTC)
Created February 17, 2023, 14:34 (UTC)
Categories Observational data
Citation Palmer Station Instrument Technician (2023). "Palmer Station Waterwall data, 2016-present (ongoing)." AMRDC Data Repository, accessed YYYY-MM-DD,
Collection Begin Date 2016-01-01
Collection End Date Ongoing
Format Text
Location 64° 46.454'S 64° 3.254'W
Platform Campbell Scientific Data Logger