These data should not be used for scientific analyses. The pump system that carries seawater to the waterwall instrument has had multiple intakes at different depths which can cause unexpected variations in the data that are not representative of the environment. These issues are under evaluation for potential corrections. An alternative water sampling system is in development.
The comma separated data is formatted as follows:
- TimeStamp
- Flow_Count
- Flow_Rate
- Fluor_V,CHL
- xMiss_V
- Trans
- RTP_Temp
- TSG_Temp
- TSG_Cond
- Salinity
- flow = flow counts (Hz)
- flow_rate = flow rate (mL/sec)
- V_fluor = fluorometer voltage (mV)
- CHL = chlorophyll concentration (µg/L)
- V_xmiss = transmissometer voltage (mV)
- Trans = transmission (%)
- Remote_Temp = seawater intake temperature (°C)
- TSG_Temp = thermosalinograph temperature (°C)
- Cond = thermosalinograph conductivity (S/m)
- Sal = salinity (PSU)