Six-hourly synoptic observational data were aqcuired from the years 2008-2012 for thirteen staffed stations across Antarctica (as listed below): Neumayer, Amundsen-Scott, Halley, Bellingshausen, Rothera Point, Syowa, Mawson, Davis, Dome A, Mirnyj, Vostok, Casey, and Cape Ross. Data were quality-controlled following the UW-Madison quality control procedure. The resulting quality-controlled data are provided in the 10-minute, q10, ASCII text file output format.
Each set of daily observations begins at 0000 UTC. The hourly data are recorded at the top of every hourly interval: i.e. at 0000 UTC, 0100 UTC, 0200 UTC, 0300 UTC, etc. for the one-hour data; and at 0000 UTC, 0300 UTC, 0600, etc. for the three-hour data.
The data files contain a two-line header that gives the year, month, 3 letter ID, Argos ID, and station name in the first line; and latitude, longitude, and elevation in the second line. The columns are organized in the following order:
- Year
- Julian day
- Month
- Day
- Observation time (UTC)
- Temperature (C)
- Pressure (hPa)
- Wind Speed (m/s)
- Wind Direction (deg)
- Relative Humidity (%)
- Delta-T (C)
Table listing staffed station data used:
{World Meteorological Organization ID, station, 3-letter ID, latitude (decimal degrees), longitude (decimal degrees), elevation (m)}
- 89002, Neumayer, neu, -70.665, -8.250, 40
- 89009, Amundsen-Scott, asp, -90.000, 0.000, 2800
- 89022, Halley, hly, -75.580, -26.700, 30
- 89050, Bellingshausen, bhn, -62.200, -58.930, 49
- 89062, Rothera Point, rpt, -67.565, -68.130, 15
- 89532, Syowa, sya, -69.000, 39.580, 21
- 89564, Mawson, mws, -67.600, 62.865, 16
- 89571, Davis, dvs, -68.580, 77.965, 13
- 89577, Dome A, dma, -80.365, 77.365, 4084
- 89592, Mirnyj, mrn, -66.550, 93.015, 30
- 89606, Vostok, vos, -78.450, 106.865, 3420
- 89611, Casey, csy, -66.280, 110.530, 50
- 89666, Cape Ross, cro, -76.715, 162.965, 150