USAP Antarctic Field Camp Observations, 1999-present (ongoing).

The following files are climatology data from years 1998 to present for several field camps around the continent. The data includes temperature (degrees C), visibility (hours), weather situation and duration (in hours for each event category), precipitation amount (in), IFR (hours), wind speed (m/s) and direction, sky cover, ceiling, pressure (inches), total observations taken, daily pressure and temperature changes, wind chill, and dew point temperatures (C).

Wind directions are reported in GRID direction and not compass direction (i.e. the orientation of GRID "North" is to the top of a map of Antarctica, with the prime meridian/Greenwich 0 degrees longitude to the top of the map).


Additional Information

Author Antarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center
Maintainer Antarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center
Version 2024-12
Last Updated February 5, 2025, 18:44 (UTC)
Created August 4, 2023, 19:26 (UTC)
Categories Observational data
Citation Antarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center: USAP Antarctic Field Camp Observations, 1999-present (ongoing). AMRDC Data Repository, accessed DD-MM-YYYY,
Collection Begin Date 1999-01-01
Collection End Date Ongoing
Format TXT, CSV
Principal Investigator(s) Various