Meteorological observations and condensation nuclei measurements at the Princess Elisabeth Antarctica Research Station during three austral summers
For three austral summer seasons (2013-2016, each from December to February) aerosol particles arriving at the Belgian Antarctic research station Princess Elisabeth (PE), in Dronning Maud Land in... -
Hourly snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (2016)
Snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (71°57'S - 23°21'E) in 2016. The snowfall rate is in mm/hour (w.e) dervied from the ZE-SR relation. -
Hourly snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (2018)
Snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (71°57'S - 23°21'E) in 2018. The snowfall rate is in mm/hour (w.e) dervied from the ZE-SR relation. -
Hourly snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (2015)
Snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (71°57'S - 23°21'E) in 2015. The snowfall rate is in mm/hour (w.e) dervied from the ZE-SR relation. -
Hourly snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (2014)
Snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (71°57'S - 23°21'E) in 2014. The snowfall rate is in mm/hour (w.e) dervied from the ZE-SR relation. -
Hourly snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (2013)
Snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (71°57'S - 23°21'E) in 2013. The snowfall rate is in mm/hour (w.e) dervied from the ZE-SR relation. -
Hourly snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (2012)
Snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (71°57'S - 23°21'E) in 2012. The snowfall rate is in mm/hour (w.e) dervied from the ZE-SR relation. -
Hourly snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (2010)
Snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (71°57'S - 23°21'E) in 2010. The snowfall rate is in mm/hour (w.e) dervied from the ZE-SR relation. -
Hourly snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (2011)
Snowfall rates at the Princess Elisabeth station, East Antarctica (71°57'S - 23°21'E) in 2011. The snowfall rate is in mm/hour (w.e) dervied from the ZE-SR relation. -
Year of Polar Prediction in the South Hemisphere: Special Observing Period Radiosondes from External Contributors, 2022.
This record contains ASCII text radiosonde launch data files from collaborating Antarctic research stations/vessels as part of the Year of Polar Prediction-Southern Hemisphere Special Observing... -
Year of Polar Prediction in the South Hemisphere: Vernadsky Station observational data, 2022.
These data were measured at Vernadsky Station (Ukraine), Antarctic Peninsula, as part of the Year of Polar Prediction-Southern Hemisphere (YOPP-SH) Targeted Observing Period (TOP). They were... -
Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station climatology data, 1957-present (ongoing).
This dataset contains the local climatological data (LCD) files for Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. These files are available for the period of record of January 1957 until present. The... -
Year of Polar Prediction in the South Hemisphere: Special Observing Period Radiosondes, 2018-2019.
This directory contains ASCII text radiosonde launch data files from participating Antarctic research stations/vessels as part of the Year of Polar Prediction-Southern Hemisphere Special Observing... -
Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere: WRF forecast model plain text output from AMPS, 2022.
This dataset has no description
The Surface Climatology of the Ross Ice Shelf Antarctica: Automatic Weather Station observational data, 1981 - 2013.
These are the 3-hourly Automatic Weather Station observational files used for Costanza et al. 2016, "The Surface Climatology of the Ross Ice Shelf Antarctica." The full citation for the published... -
Reconstructed Byrd temperature record, 1957 - 2012.
IMPORTANT NOTE (2013/09/06): The 1957-1979 portion of this dataset was revised in September 2013 following our discovery of previously unused detailed observations from Byrd Station on the website...